The May meeting brought a double celebration, a welcome back to Emma Cook (The Tiny Turner) and a birthday celebration for our oldest member 90 year old Rachel Thompson (see other report).
To start Emma explained that she was going to turn an ornament that had a finial at the top and the bottom. In the middle is a clear glass bauble containing a string of LED lights with the finails glued to the glass and a ribbon for hanging it.
To begin with a 2″ (50mm) square piece of Padauk was placed between centres and a chucking spigot cut to fit the chuck jaws. This was then placed in the chuck and turned round. A brief talk on the advantage of using “C” jaws over the smaller jaws was given. Then 2 1/2″- 3″ (60-75mm) from the chuck another chucking spigot was turned and parted off. The 2/3 section was placed in the chuck as Emma likes to complete the bottom section first.
The bottom section was worked in three parts, each one being turned and then sanded using Chestnut Cut & Polish. Next a Microcrystalline Wax Stick was used to give it a good finish. The tools of choice were 1/4″ bowl and spindle gouge.
The final stage was to turn it around and shape the top to fit the glass sphere. This was not as straightforward as it seemed as the glass baubles are hand blown and shapes vary. This was done by turning approximately to the nearest shape then adjusting to get a good fit. The bottom section was now complete.
At the break this month we held a special celebration for Rachel Thompson’s 90th Birthday. (see other report).
The top section was now turned but the method is the reverse of the bottom. With the first part hollowed out for the bauble top. When a good fit was achieved a 5/32″ (4mm) ∅ hole was drilled right through. This is for the light cable and ribbon to hang it by to pass through. The final shape was completed and finished as the bottom section then parted off.
It was now time to do a small talk explaining sharpening of the spindle gauge. This with a visual aid showing various grinds.Then on to explain why certain grinds can cause catches and finally a best grind to avoid them.(see below right)
The final stage was the assembly. Firstly the ribbon was threaded through the top finial. Then the string of LED lights had to be threaded through the top of the top finial and into the bauble. It was now time to glue the top finial to the bauble. Emma had done a lot of experimenting with different glues because of the bond of wood to glass. After trying various glues the one she recommends is Evo-Stick Serious Glue. As the cure time for the glue is quite long another assembled bauble was produce and how to trim off the excess glue with a Stanley Knife was demonstrated. This was then presented to Rachel as it was her birthday.
The meeting was very well supported with 32 people which more than our membership. It showed the popularity of Emma’s demonstration and much appreciation was shown.
I would like to thank Nigel Mackintosh our Web site guru for providing all the photographs.
Peter Green (Chair Below ar more pictures from Emma’s demonstration.
Peter thanks for a detailed report. For information there is a useful YouTube of this demo plus assembly.
The commentary and photos should help as it’s less than 200 days till Christmas!
Peter Thanks once again for your detailed report. The family so taken by the picture in the first report I had a go at turning one. Although if I tried hanging it from a Christmas tree branch it would probably bring down the tree!
Your second report provides valuable detail and the excellent phots help as a step by step guide.
I later discovered Emma’s YouTube clip actually covers turning and assembly. Worth a look before you have a go..
Less than 200 days till Xmas so time for another go!