Competition results June 2024

Competition results June 2024

The competition for June was “something with a hole”:- This month there were 5 entries for both the advanced and open classes.   Apologies for the general poor quality of the photographs. I will endeavour to improve the quality next time. July’s...
Competition results May 2024

Competition results May 2024

The competition for May 2024 was “a Childs Toy”:- This months there were four entries for the Advanced class and two entries for the Open class. Again only a few entries. I’m sure the regular entrants would appreciate some more competition The...
Competition Results April 2024

Competition Results April 2024

The Competition for April was a “pair of spindles” There were a number of entries for the Advanced class but only one for the Open class. We do need more entries for the monthly competitions so please get out into your workshops and get creating for...
Competition results March 2024

Competition results March 2024

The competition for March was a ‘Utility Item’. There were very few entries for the compeition only 4 in the advanced class and 3 in the open. The idea of the competitions is to get the members out into their workshops producing items that the memnbership...
February 2018 Competition

February 2018 Competition

The February 2018 Monthly Competition results for “A Faceplate Item” were:- Advanced Class: First – Howard Hughes Second – Vish Kini Third – Peter Green Fourth – Tony Mayled   Open Class: First – Dave Workman Second...
January 2018 Competition

January 2018 Competition

The January 2018 Monthly Competition results for “A Favourite Item” were:- Advanced Class: First – Alex Jeffrey Second – Vish Kini Third – Dave Harding   Open Class: First – Richie Southerton Second – Norman Critchett...
November 2017 Competition

November 2017 Competition

The November 2017 Monthly Competition results for “An Xmas Item” were:- Advanced Class: First – Vish Kini Second – Rachel Thompson     Open Class: First – Brian Davies               The...
October 2017 Competition

October 2017 Competition

The October Monthly Competition results for “A Pair of Items” were:- Advanced Class: First –          Mike Evans Second –     Vish Kini Third –         Richie Southerton Fourth –       Rachel Thompson       The...
September 2017 Competition

September 2017 Competition

There was a very disappointing entry to the September Competition. Only two items were entered, and they were from the same person. Thanks Vish. It would be good to have a better response next month for the “Pair of Items” competition.   The September...
July 2017 Competition

July 2017 Competition

The July Monthly Competition results for “Stacking Objects (min of 2)” were:- Advanced Class: First – Rachel Thompson Second – Vish Kini Third – Mike Evans Open Class: First – Perryn Edwards       The September...