All set for the IRD

In January we did a test Interactive Remote Demonstration (IRD) with Chris Parker and after a few teething problems which we sorted, the committee decided to book well-known turner Andrew Hall, for our May meeting. 44 members came along to watch and interact with the demonstration. The evening started with Richie (our Chairman) welcoming Andrew and the members to the evening and hoped it would be well received but knowing Andrew from various Woodturning Shows it was going to be a good evening.
Andrew introduced Carl Burn who helped with all the technical side so the evening would run smoothly and also explained the recording of the demonstration would be exclusively open to our club members for 3 months details will be sent out how to access.
He also explained he would be wearing a full air filter shield with the microphone inside, which gave full clarity.
The demonstration was to make small size Stetson hat about 6ins in diameter and 4 deep, as this was an interactive demonstration we were able to ask questions and one of the first was how wet was the wood The tree was cut about 6 weeks ago and Andrew wrapped it to keep the moisture which was important for the whole project as we soon found out.
Turning the outside of the hat was a simple process taking a slightly tapered top to a brim.
Then came how to do the hat band Andrew marked the width of the band above the rim then coloured the rim in with his special, crayons which he buys in the lake district while walking his beloved dog.
Reversing the piece he then hollowed out the inside to about 2mm this was done by putting a light behind the piece until the light was the same brightness through wood as this was wet wood this could be achieved.
Then came the process of bending the rim, but this had to wait about half an hour for the thin wood to dry a little so Andrew mad a hat stand to display the finished piece.
Spindle turning and using Chestnut Rainbow colours produced a unique finish.
Then came the bending of the rim using a hand clamp and 2 quality elastic bands to bend the rim slightly ready for drying in a warm but not too hot place which would take about a couple of days which would increase the upward bend of the rim.
A couple of years ago Andre made a full-size Centurion Helmet and he was asked could we see it, Andrew went to get it and it was unbelievable. Finally, Andrew treated us to a blues bowl rendition of his “I’m a Woodturner song” everybody applauding loudly.
Richie thanked Andrew and Carl for a great evening.

Andrew Hall with his banjo’s

Author:- Mike Wilson