
DateEventMembers' Competition
25th Jan 2024
2023 AGM and Remote Demo by Chris ParkerNone
22nd Feb 2024Nathanael Griffiths - Woodworker of the Year 2023Your Favourite Piece
28th Mar 2024Emma Cook (The Tiny Turner)A Utility piece
25th Apr 2024Mike Wilson - Sharpening / Hands OnA pair of matching spindles
23rd May 2024Andrew Hall Interactive Remote DemonstrationA Childs Toy
27th June 2024Pat Carroll IRDA piece with a hole in
25th July 2024Chris ParkerA Faceplate and spindle piece
22nd Aug 2024Annual CompetitionNone
26th Sept 2024Dennis Wake (RPT)A decorated bowl
24th Oct 2024A small box
28th Nov 2024A piece turned on three off centre axes